Asset management

As an economic owner of port-related objects such as waterways, quay walls, grounds, bridges and locks, Port of Den Helder is responsible for managing, maintaining and replacing them.

The technical staff

The technical staff of Port of Den Helder, together with various maintenance partners, provides regular (minor) maintenance on a daily basis. In addition, larger maintenance measures are carried out on a project basis.

If you are looking for more information about asset management or one of the maintenance projects of Port of Den Helder, please contact our Technical Manager - Maarten Boer at [email protected].

The following major maintenance projects are currently in preparation or execution:

Renovation of the Zeedok lock (Zeedoksluis)

The complex of the Zeedok lock dates from 1974 and is located between the seaport of Den Helder and the Willemsoord basin. The lock is currently mainly used by pleasure boating and is part of the primary flood defense.

The lock complex has not undergone large-scale renovation since its construction. Several inspections have shown that the technical state of the lock complex endangers the lock's operational reliability. This mainly relates to the electrical installations, the operation and control of the lock complex and the operating mechanism of the retaining structure.

BAM Infra has been selected as a contractor for the design and implementation of the renovation, which will be carried out after the 2020 sailing season. The lock will be fully operational again from the 2021 sailing season.

Shore power

At the beginning of 2019, new shore power facilities for smaller seagoing vessels were constructed along the quays of "Het Nieuwe Diep", between the Moorman bridge and the Koopvaarder key lock (koopvaarderschutsluis).

The new cabinets each have multiple connections with a capacity of up to 125A and can be activated by the user himself via an app or The positive experiences with these cabinets and the system have led to the contract for the realization of comparable new shore steam cabinets on the Nijverheidskade in the Industriehaven. Contractor Engie will install it in the course of 2020. The shore power cabinets at Kooyhaven will also be equipped with the same activation and settlement system.

Quay replacement "Het Nieuwe Werk"

Quay "Het Nieuwe Werk", approximately 300m quay wall located in the seaport, adjacent to the Koopvaardersschutsluis, was built in its current form in the 1980s. The impact of the elements on the steel sheet piling has caused such degradation that the construction is approaching the end of its technical life. In 2021, the construction will be replaced and the quay area behind it will also be redesigned. This project is in the design phase and is expected to be tendered in the fall of 2020.

Renovation of the Van Kinsbergen Bridge

The Van Kinsbergen Bridge, built in 1953, is the main connection between the city of Den Helder and the Seaport for all the road traffic. Many employees of the Royal Dutch Navy and companies in the seaport use this connection every day. For shipping, the movable bridge forms the connection between the northern (Damen, Willemsoord) and southern (Koopvaardersschutsluis, Noordhollandsch canal) part of the Koopvaardersbinnenhaven.

In order to keep performing its function safely, major maintenance is required on the main supporting structure of the bridge. This maintenance consists of repairing damage on the concrete foundation, preserving the steel parts and replacing the wooden driving deck on the movable bridge part. The preparation phase of the project has started and the realization is planned in the autumn of 2021.